Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a night!

What a night!
I was in the RRC
(Remington Research Center)
getting everything ready for
the Full Moon report and
 I found out that it was
going to be
on September 23
not in the evening like I thought! 
I am sure it will still be full and beautiful
 this evening also in case you missed it. 
It was too cloudy here and
we didn't get to any of the cool stuff!
It sure was fun learning about it.
I will be looking again tonight! 
If anyone missed my late post yesterday
please go back and take a look at it! 
There was some interesting findings....

So as I take a break and relax....
eating my peanut butter toast and
sipping water I look
out my window and enjoy
the sunrise of this very first full day of Fall.
I will be back in the office today working
on the Vikings Secret Playbook....
I want to make certain we win this Sunday!

Enjoy your first full day of Fall!

Later -- Remington --
loving these cooler days....
-- out! 


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

This morning when Mom got up, she thought someone had left a light on in the kitchen - then she found out it was the moon.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Unknown said...

Ahhhhh......beautiful fall morning! Didn't see any moon here, needed my beauty rest!

The Daily Pip said...

It was overcast last night so I wasn't able to see the full moon or Jupiter! I was most disappointed.

Your pal, Pip

My Mind's Eye said...

Rem mom and I wish we were sitting right there with you and Beth watching that beautiful sunrise....amazing!!!

We are so glad we know such an intelligent puppy!!!

Happy first day of Fall,
Madi and Mom

Unknown said...

What a perfect sunrise! Happy first day of fall Rem!

Fred and Haylie

Gus said...

Sunrise looks fine, please forward cold front to match lovely moon.

gussie n teka

3 doxies said...

It was cloudy and foggy here so we didn't sees nuttin! I am disappointed but hopefully we will gets to see it tonite!
Fall starts when da girl goes back to school...hehehe...we has our own special calander.


Unknown said...

That's a beautiful sunrise picture!

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Happy Fall to you too Remington!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Autumn and Jasmine the Maltese said...

I wish we could experience the season change... but the only season we had here is only the HOT weather!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

fantaboulous sky! can you tell i made up that word? your post has put a big smile on my face, the face of Rem does that and your humor makes it wider.

Corbin said...

The moon was full and bright her last night!!! There were a few clouds, but I got to see the moon for a little while! Happy FALL!!!

Ruby and Penny said...

What a gorgeous photo.
Ruby & Penny

Anonymous said...

I missed this morning's full moon, but I'll catch it tonight & that sure is a beautiful & colorful sunrise, Rem! WoW!

Hailey said...

Awww!!! Mom was way too lazy this morning and last night she complained she neeeded beauty rest.... sheneeds a lot more than a nights worth!!! BOL!

Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Are you surprised that Puddles lives by her OWN Personal Calendar????

Scooter said...

That is one cool sunrise. We are never up that early. Mom says if God would want her to see the sun, he would make it come up bout 8:30!! BOL!!
Better get to that Vikings book, cuz they need your help after 2 losses!! HAve fun Remington and make some good plays ok?


brooke said...

We saw the moon last night and thought of you!
I heard Hank Baskett just signed on to the Vikings!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Furst Day of Autumn from 80+ degree - with real feel pushing 90 - Pawsylvania!


JC said...

What would I do without you ? I totally forgot it was FAll. Thanks !!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Remington and Mom,
Beautiful sunrise picture!! I saw the moon last night it was lovely!! We had a clear night and could see without the flashlight outside.
We have at least a month of warm to hot temps a head of us!!! Good for the garden!!!
XXOO, Fern

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, Rem, I hope I can catch it tonight, and I can't wait to see how you fared with the camera. You are SUCH a scholerly Neuf, and for that I am thankful, WOOF and OUT!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Rem, It has been so long since we came visiting. Sorry about that. Busy days.
we are trying to catch up.
Wow! your sister is brave not to cry in the dark and learn to switch on the lights instead.
Talented girl!
Lovely pics of the sunrise Rem. Hope u have as lovely a fall as the last summer.
Bud n gin

Deborah said...

Remington, how do you keep track of everything! We are going to take lessons!
Got to run, Smokes is howling (full moon) maybe...I have to let him in!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow!!! What a gigantic Moon! We will have to look for it tonite!! Thanks for keeping us informed.

Sagira said...

Wow, what a cool looking sky!

Anonymous said...

beautiful picture!!

White Dog Blog said...

Rain blocked our efforts last ight but we are ready to give it another shot tonight. Happy first day of Autumn, my friend! Do the garden faeries have winter coats or do they head South now that it is getting cold at night?

The Army of Four said...

I got my mom out to take pix in the evening! Sunset and moonrise all at the same time! It was really a super Harvest Moon. Hee hee hee. Get it? Because NASA said it's a Super Harvest, since it fell on the equinox.....
I think you're one of the few Bloggers who might get that, since you're a fellow astronomer.

kissa-bull said...

mommish of ours loves the football games and goes cracker dog cwazy on sundays. she cheers on the vikings most everytime as well as her texans . she loves brett farve.

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Hi Remington! We saw the full moon earlier and it is really beautiful!!! Gorgeous moon!!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Now we think of Remington whenever we see a full moon. It's pretty big out there tonight, too. Did the Vikings not win last Sunday? I know the Giants didn't. There was a brief period of sadness as it became clear things were not going well. Everyone got over it, though. But then, we're Mets fans in this house. If nothing else, we know how to lose.

lotsa licks, Lola

the booker man said...

oh, yes indeedy, the moon is still lookin' nice and full and amazing tonight! me and asa and mama were just outside enjoyin' the view!!

the booker man

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Sorry you missed the moon but the sky looked pretty anyways!

Amy & the house of cats said...

We totally missed the moon too - too many clouds here lately. We are very excited that fall is here though - we think it is a very fun tine.