Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I am learning a lot from my little sister.
Here's a little story for you.

The Talented Ozabella

One night while Mike and Beth were walking down
the hallway the bathroom light came on. 
They thought this was very strange....
maybe it's a ghost. 
So they stopped waited and the fan came on. 
Mike very cautiously went in the bathroom
and much to his surprise....

There was Ozabella.
He turned them off again and she turned them back on.
She must be afraid of the dark....don't you think?

Later -- Remington -- 
yep, the one with the talented sister
 -- out! 


3 doxies said...

Whaaaaaaat! Oh my word...dat has gots to be da cutest thing. I wonder what else her can do dat ya'll don't know bout yet...uh, dat could be scary...hehehe!


jen said...

See Remington your sister is becoming just as talented as you:)
After all Girls Rule and Boys Drool!

Unknown said...

That is awesome Rem! Arn't you glad you have a very smart sister?

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL REMINGTON!!! Oh my cats Ozabella is very smart kitty but most of all she is BEAUTIFUL!!! She has very symmetrical markings on her face!!!

Maybe she can help you figure out how to get extra food too...and if she does...I'd like to rent her for a week. Big Hug Madi

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to funny, a cat that can turn on the lights! I never! Rem, your have THE most kissable face. when i looked at this photo I wished i were there to kiss you and squeeze you.

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

OK, that is one smart kitty. Stay on her good side. A kitty that smart might end up ruling the world when she's a little older.

lotsa licks, Lola

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

She is one smart gal!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Ms. ~K said...

She is just sooo cute!
Has she discovered the toilet paper yet? Oh what fun she'll have!
Bellyrubs and nosetaps,
~K and Pups

Unknown said...

Ok Rem thats awesome she is so smart you are one lucky dog to have a sister who is that smart!

Stella said...

Remington, whats next for Ozabella? I am betting she will be the next cat who flushes!


Ozabella is sooo cute!


Martha said...

That was very clever of Ozabella! Can she open the fridge yet, that will be handy!
She really is the cutest little kitty.
Martha and Bailey xxx

Scooter said...

That is sooo cute. Oz is a very talented cat and very pretty!! OH!! you should take her down and let her open the dog biscuit jar!! BOL


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Way to go Ozzabella!!!!! You do have a talented sifur Remi!

I don't know how much help I would be whipping a certain team into shape. I can hiss with the best of them, kinda like a coach yelling. Also, I don't know about carrying an actual human sized football, but get one that will fit in my mouth and I will show them a play or two!~~Junior

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Oh Remington!! Ozabella is one very cute and extremely talented sister!! That's so cute!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington! We are behind again, and boy, was Gus excited to see that the post we are gettin caught up with is one about "The Beautiful Ozabella" as he likes to call her! It is so funny that she turns the lights on - that is one thing no one at our house does (well, mom and dad do of course). Our switches are way to high up for us to reach - so it is cool that Ozabella can get to them and turn them on if she is nervous in the dark! Ok, and of course, Gus has to add his 2 cents for Ozabella!
Hi Remington - can you pass this message on please? Thankyou.

Hi Ozabella! You are as smart as you are beautiful! I can't turn lights on here - the switches are too high. So I am very impressed that you can do it - that is so cool! If you are afraid of the dark though don't worry, because I will protect you if you get scared - well as much as I can from here. And you always have Remington there to scare anything away - he is a big guy so she will protect you really good! You are very beautiful in your pictures today! Your friend Gus (aka Gustin Bieber).

brooke said...

Ozabella is one smart cookie!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Rem, I'm thinkin' that Ozabella is one of those... helper animals... you know that help peeps to do thingys to make their life easier. she turned on the lights so Beth and Mike would be SAFE walking to the potty.
THIS is an Amazing story!! AND we know it is 100% true.. Furst beclaws you always tell the truth and second beclaws a picture is worth a 1,000 words!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Smart Ozabella - who wants to go potty in the dark anyway?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and ciara

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is TOO CUTE!!!! And you even got the pictures! I think she has a future as a lighting director. I have herd of cats drinking dripping water from the faucet, but never seen this before! Perhaps she needs a night light in her room.

little princess Luna~ said...

omd--ozy is a genius~!! BOL--how adorables~!!!! oh--you too remicakes. ;)


Duke said...

Ozabella is one smart kitty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo sure she really isn't a puppy?


Unknown said...

Oh my! You have such a CUTE sister Remington!

~mel said...

cool cat ... and you're not too shabby of a pooch either ~ good looks must run in the family

Olive said...

Wow..who taught her how to do that?? She could be very useful.....

Licks from Olive

White Dog Blog said...

You started training her young and now look at what a clever Lady she is becoming! You should be proud.

Happy Peace Day, my friends! Someday soon, we hope!

JacksDad said...

Maybe she had to go to the bathroom and didn't want to make a mess in the dark! :)

Sagira said...

BOL...silly kitty

Kuri said...

wow she is smart. I bet none of our cats can do that, 'specially FatPoo!

D.K. Wall said...

Many years ago, the hu-dad was sitting in the den when the TV suddenly went on. Then off. Then on. Then off. Searching for ghosts, he fould the culprit was Rusty, happily chewing away on the TV remote.