Friday, July 9, 2010

To the lakes Billy....

We are packed up and ready to go!
I do believe this is going to be a great time!
I hope Oz knows how to build a sand castle!

Later -- Remington -- the beach bum -- out!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We think you should be making a ton of money on these photos!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

The little ones DO LOVE to build sand castles and dig deep holes on the beach. Be careful not to track the sand into Billy the Bus. Have a grrrreat time.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Aren't there about a thousand lakes in Minnesota? You guys are going to be away for a while...have fun! :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

My Mind's Eye said...

ABSOLUTELY a precious picture!! Beth needs to be a professional animal trainer. I believe she can get you and Oz to do anything. Madi would have liked the bucket if it was her idea. She would not pose in it. Love the aqua on you Rem!!

You all have safe travels and lots of fun, be sure to sing the wheels on the bus song.
Madi and Mom

pibble said...

Remington, you look dashing in your beach outfit. Better watch out for those bathing beauties!

Zona said...

OMD your mom takes the CUTEST pictures. You should tell her to make a Remington & Oz calendar. You'd make tons of green papers!

Enjoy your trip! The beach is lots o' fun!


The Daily Pip said...

Remington - I know I have said this before, but I am going to say it again - you are the COOLEST doggie on the blog scene! Have fun!

Your pal, Pip

the teacher's pets said...

Since Oz has smaller paws (hee!hee!) than you I'm thinking you may have to help your sister build that sand castle. Okay? Have fun at the lake!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

be careful Remington, Oz just might upstage you, she is looking really cute in that bucket. of course we know you are most handsome.

Gus said...

To all those who think you are the coolest doggie on the blog scene, we agree...but you are gonna be even cooler when you get to one of them lakes. We have friends spending the summer on Madeline Island in Lake Superior, let us know if you and Billy are headed that way! They loves doggies and kitties.

gussie n teka

Rebecca said...

This is just too cute! Have fun at the lake!
Daisy Mae

Anonymous said...

You look so dashing, Oz looks a little surprised (or is it terrified?) As soon as Oz learns there is sand involved, all will be better.
Did you hear that our friend Arayo is also taking to the road? She started a new blog.
When she gets over this direction (WI/MN) I am sure there will be fun adventures.

How Sam Sees It said...

OMD - that picture is too cute!


little princess Luna~ said...

REMIIIIIIICAKES. stop being so darn cute w/ little ozzy~!!!! :(
i can't keep up w/ your super cuteness--heehee.


3 doxies said...

I bet you coulds help her do a little fishin' too. Of course, I prolly wouldn't use hers as da bait though....well, I would but you wouldn't...hehehehe!
Haves a safe trip.
PEES: Beth does take incredible fotos of you.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Beth,
Sweetheart you need a book company to publish all your adorable pictures!!!! For true!!! You take the best animal pictures !!!! Do you need money?? They pay real good!!
XXOO, Fern

brooke said...

OMG Ozabella in the bucket! Too cute!!!

Bruschi said...

OMD There's an Oz in the bucket, dear Remy dear Remy!

pam said...

We hopes you get Oz outta the bucket before you builds yer castle. Have fun!!!

Bobo and Meja

Sketching with Dogs said...

Haha, that's the best photo ever! Oz is just too cute for words sitting in his seaside bucket.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Remington and Oz! You two look so cute there! We hope you have lots of fun at the lakes!! And we know that you will make a great sandcastle together!!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Have funs!

and yet another amazing piktur of you...and Ozabella. Do you thinks you can keep Ozabella at that cute little kitteh size??


Jacqueline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jacqueline said...

Sorry, our comment posted twice!...CHS

Scooter said...

I agree with RC scotties. You should publish a book with your pictures in it. There are some out there that have pictures but they arent as cute as you!!


The Army of Four said...

Oh great Balto! You two look SO adorable!
Just a guess - but I'll bet Oz is great with sand.
Tail wags,

♥I am Holly♥ said...

What an adorable picture!! Remington, your mom really knows how to make great ones!! Little Ozabella in the bucket is priceless!! You two are so special!! Have fun!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

OH MY DOG!!!! That is too cute. Can't wait to see your sandcastles!

Ginny Hartzler said...

hope you have a blast! Make sure tiny Ozabella doesn't get buried under the sandcastles!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Have a blast Remington(and Oz!)!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo & Jacob

Ms. ~K said...

Happy Trails to you all....
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You two look very adorable! Have a great time!

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Have fun Remington!! :-)


JacksDad said...

I've heard that kittens really like sand - but not for the same reason that puppies do! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Once again, JackDaddy knows his 'stuff' -


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

amazing photo!!!!!

Teddy Bear said...

How was the beach? Pawesome picture!

Teddy Bear

JC said...

You look so cute !!!

Hope you had fun ...

Anonymous said...

Cute pic but how can you stand wearing a hat? Does she bribe you with a burger or something?

White Dog Blog said...

Hey Remington, how about YOU build the castle and Oz can play inside of it? Like a little kitty princess. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to grill hot dogs on the beach. Billy the Bus should get you there and back in kingly comfort! P.S. don't forget to wear sunscreen!

Kate said...

Big brothers are there to teach, teach her well Rem!

Bella and Ollie said...

Looks like you're all set to have a fantastic time Remington, love your outfit !

Love from Bella and family.

(The Fantastic Festival of Fabulous Flowers is coming soon !)

MadameMoiselle said...

Oh Remmington.. You just swept my mom off her feet again with your natural charm..

Wonder how your photographer take such amazing shots of you all the time..

Oz looks absolutely adorable in the blue pail.. she looks like she is doing the "what's there look"

Zelle and mom

Sagira said...

Oz in the bucket is too cute.

Busy Buttons said...

Love the way your sis Oz is popping out of the bucket! She's too cute.