Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Road Warrior Reporting!

Remington the Road Warrior here!
This was our weekend to hit the road in Billy the Bus!  Mike, Beth, Oz and I were the only ones that went this time.  My other kitty brothers said they just wanted to stay home
'cause it was only for one night.
It was the coolest thing ever.  Oz and I just lounged around, had some treats, listened to some tunes and chilled out while
Mike drove us there!  It was GREAT!
We went to....
That's in North Dakota!
 Bailey and Trevor live there! 
We had so much fun!  We played FOOTBALL! 
  And talked and walked and talked some more! 
Trevor even fed OZ!
I can't wait to go back again!

Then on the way home we drove through....
It's in Minnesota. 
 Last Thursday there were 39 tornadoes sited
in the state of Minnesota. 
 One of them touched down in this town. 
It was called an F4 tornado.  Beth said that was a real bad one. 
 People were busy cleaning up the destruction.
We felt bad for everyone there.
 No lives were lost in that tornado --  that was good.


If you click on the site above you can watch three videos of what happened and even see the tornado.  It shows everyone why you are suppose to take cover when they tell you too! 
Tornadoes are nothing to mess with!
Oz and I rested on the way home! 
I told Beth to get the map out and start planning --
I love being a Road Warrior!

Later -- Remington -- I am a traveling man -- out!


Zona said...

What a great trip!! The two of you look exhausted! And so sweet sleeping there together!


Unknown said...

Sure looks like that was a blast! I'm still jealous though. I want my RV now!

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

we just loved the trip and adored the pictures. the 2nd picture is the sweetest expression ever! actually pic # 7 is pretty darn good expression too--BOL!!! and the last picture--well, what can you say--just heartwarming!

Rebecca said...

How Fun Remington! That last picture of you and your kitty is just priceless. Enjoy Billy the Bus!
Daisy Mae

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the photo of Oz watching the scenery go by. You look so handsome on the sofa. What a fun trip for every one. I watched the videos and I have never seen a tornado or been in one and hope never to see one. thanks for sharing your roadtrip and we are all waiting for the next adventure.

3 doxies said...

I vote fur #7...oh my bad, it ain't a contest...hehehe! Oh wells, I looooves it anyways.
How much room you gots on Billy? Hmmmm, room fur allll your bloggie furiends I suppose.Oh, I thins Beth would loves that...hehehe.
I sure hopes they is some ground hogs round theres.
Puddles...going ground hoggie huntin'

Ms. ~K said...

What fun!!! You and Oz are naturals at this!!!
You need to come to GA, but wait until it cools off some!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a fun trip - we have to agree with Zack, Sassy and Buddy - don't come south until this heat wave is over!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

How Sam Sees It said...

Sounds exciting! Keep yourselves safe!


Ruby and Penny said...

We think being a road warrior would be so much fun. That pic of you and Oz is priceless.
Love Ruby & Penny

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Rem and Oz!!! What darling pictures of the Road Warrior and his sidekick Oz.
You had such a nice trip visiting ND and playing with the children.

Rem Oz is getting very long and his coat is so pretty love the stripes!!

Madi and Mom

Alien said...

I'm glad you missed those tornadoes. Such sad destruction.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I know... Beth and Mike say,"Leave the Driving to US." Right???
That is a super road warrior trip you took.
I knew about those tornadoes. I was worried about you. Glad you and Oz and Beth and Mike were safe. I am also glad no two leggers were hurt.

Gus said...

It seems very wise to start this road warrior stuff slowly, with a few short trips to make sure you and Oz have your travellin' legs in order and don't get whoopsie from the motion.

Looks like you made a great choice for the first trip.


Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Looks like a great trip, Rem. And those action shots of you are fabulous!


Nadine, Chewy and Lilibell said...

You guys really have the life!!

Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell

little princess Luna~ said...

omd remicakes~!! What a most fun time!! Truly you are a most pawsome road warrior. I think I would b a good mini road warrior because I love traveling everywhere--like the mall or the park. :)
Can't wait to see your next adventure~!!!!


Stella said...

Thanks for the tornado videos . . .the storm chaser people really amaze me, out in that mess!

Billy the Bus looks like loads of fun and how fun to be able to take OZ with you (still a bottle baby or just for fun?)

You were only about 45 miles from me! Next time we should have a meet up.

Jo, Stella and ZKhat

Bruschi said...

What a great road expedition you went on!! You got to see some family, play some football, and do a little sight seeing! Those tornadoes are scary.....glad no one was hurt!!
Looking forward to your next adventure with Billy!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time!

Tank's Asst.

brooke said...

Looks like fun! That picture of you and Oz napping... TOO CUTE!

pam said...

♫♫ Travelin' man, love when I can
♫ Turn in my hand 'cause I'm goin' on
♫ Oh, travelin' man, love when I can
♫ But sooner or later I'm goin' on, yea
♫ Travelin man ♫♫

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What an xcitin*** trip!!!the pictures are lovely!we especially love those with you in action.and Oz sure had the adventure of his life...love that pic of his drinking out of that bottle...sooo cute :):)
bud n gin
P.S. : we love your Shirt!

Martha said...

Oh goodness, we are glad nobody was hurt in that scary tornado!
You are looking very smart Remington. We are glad you all had a good first trip. We can see you and Oz enjoyed it and also got lots of fussing over.
Where to next?
Martha and Bailey xxx

Jacqueline said...

What a great trip, Rem!...We love all your fun photos; we always love the ones with you dressed up as well as running with the football, Trevor feeding Oz and the last one with you guys sleeping together is just precious!...You guys are a wonderful, beautiful family!...Kisses x3 sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh Remi, that picture of you and Oz resting is just adorable!!!

Meowm says her jobbie does business with a company in Wahpeton.

Thanks for the concern over my tummy. We hope it gets sorted out sooon.~Orion

Ginny Hartzler said...

Way to go, Rem!! What a good picture story of your trip! Being a new follower, I have not been able to find on your blog who Bailey and Trevor are. But I must say that my very favorite picture is you running with the ball in your mouth! You sure have a good grip on it! I bet you love traveling in such luxury. The tornado vidoes you kindly gave a link to are just plain scary, and your photos of the damage are sad. Rem, when bad weather is coming, do you know way ahead of time? Some animals can predict these things, so I'm wondering if you have E.S.P.? You are a very good dog, but when you read my blog today, you will be horrified to see a very bad dog! I am so glad that you are the sweet boy you are!!

Sketching with Dogs said...

Oh my Dog! Being a road warrior is tons of fun.
That tornado photo was pretty scary. Oz looks so cute drinking from his bottle.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

JacksDad said...

Wait? You mean your house is on wheels and you get to take it where you go? How did you do that? I got to talk to the tall guy and see if he can put our house on wheels so we can come visit you!

countryliving said...

We were in Wahpeton on Saturday afternoon.
Went to WalMart, then over to Landmark nursery in Breck.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

GReat trip and lots of fun with the little beans. Those tornadoes are horrendous - so glad you missed them.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a wonderful time you had Remington!!! We just love that last picture of you and Oz, you two even LOOK alike!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

Anonymous said...

Hi Remington, you are a gentle giant and great fun too. Like the pictures, especially of you with the nippers. Lovely stuff.

Waggles and Swaggles
Hector and Bonny-the-barrel

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm cat-ed out, BUT your photo with Oz in the end . . . too precious.

the booker man said...

billy the bus looks like a super awesome way to get around!! you have your own personal couch in there, too! i'm glad you and oz and mike and beth had a fun trip! like everybuddy else has woofed, that last picture of you and oz is just the cutest thingie evarrr!
the booker man

White Dog Blog said...

You make me want a Billy the Bus; it looks so cool! Family time is always so special isn't it? And little Oz just feels so safe next to his woofie brother...you are the best, Remington! Tornadoes are horrible and not to be taken lightly, I feel so bad for those people and animals whose lives were turned upside down.

Teddy Westlife said...

Remington, you get to have the best adventures. I can't believe Oz got to go along too!

Sagira said...

Looks like you had a great time with Billy the Bus. Oz with the bottle was SO darn cute!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Remington and Oz,
Oh how I love that last piture of the two of you laying together!!! You are such a good big brother!!!! I though of you when I heard about the tornadoes!!
You welcome for the heat. I had plenty to share!!
XXOO, Fern

The Army of Four said...

We heard all about the tornadoes in MN. Very scary stuff. What a stormy time us midwesterners have had.
You guys stay safe, OK?

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Your trip looked like so much fun Rem! We really liked your football playing photo. Great shot! The boy hooman feeding Oz was cute too. That torn-A-dooo photo was scary. Yikes. So glad no one was hurt and that you guys didn't have to experience it.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Teddy Bear said...

It looks like you and Oz had a blast on your road trip!:) We love the last picture of you and Oz. We're so glad no on was hurt in the tornado.

Teddy Bear

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Are woo there yet?
