Today I got to go and see Dr. Jeanetta. I love her! She is so nice to me. I was a good boy and waited for her to come in....
THEN she came in!
She was SO happy to see me and I was just as happy to see her! There were tears (okay, Beth said to not be so dramatic....there were no tears but there could of been), well, we were just so happy to see each other.
She checked me over really good....
I am perfect! She even said so. She said my heart, ears, joints, eyes, teeth and everything just perfect. I weigh 122 pounds and stand 30 inches tall at the shoulder. She said my hair was groomed nice and I could be a show dog. How about that! Beth said I needed some work but I don't cause the Dr. said! That was nice of her to say that. She also said that I was a VERY confident boy. Yes, I am! She doesn't even know me that well and she hit it right on! She is a VERY, VERY smart Dr.
Beth said that on April 8 I get to go and spend the whole day with Dr. Jeanetta. We have to be there early and then Mike and Beth can come and get me later that day. WOW! A whole play day with Dr. Jeanetta can you believe it?!? I can't wait! Beth said that wasn't it and it would not be all that fun but she would explain that to me later....hhhmmmm, I think I will just keep thinking it will be fun!
After the visit to the Dr. we got to go to Petco.
I picked out lots of toys I would like and then Beth said I had to leave and now that she had some ideas that she would get me a gift.
On the way out I ran into this redhead. I usually like blonde's but Sadie, that was her name was really pretty and nice. But I didn't get her number, what was I thinking?!? I must of been too excited about my birthday present!
Beth did come out to the store with a package so I bet I get a present!
After that we went to the North Shore on Lake Superior and looked at the water. It was so nice. Beth didn't want to leave but we had to get home. She loves it up there in any season. It's beautiful!
It was a great day all around. I have nice memories. And just think at this time tomorrow I will be one year old.
Later -- Remington -- I mean, Mr. Confident -- over and out!
Happy Birthday Remington!
I hope you will have a pawesome time celebrating your big day!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs
Happy birthday to you La la la :) You don't know me. Madi sent me over. I'm a tiny Chi and I have a soft spot for large dudes like yourself. May I call you Steal My Heart for short?
Happy Birthday. Though our hu-dad looked at us and made some snide comments about Sibes are just full grown puppies at 1.
Madi sent me too! Heres hoping you have a wonderful 1st birthday Remington! Billy from
Happy Almost Birthday! I hope you have a great day.
Remember that your birthday starts at midnight! Make sure that Mike and Beth are ready to start partying right at 12!
Hi Remington! Nice to meet you. Madi said it was your birthday so I came to wish you a good one. I am black too, but I am an Honorary Husky, not a Newfoundland.
A Big Happy Birthday to you!!!! Hope you will have a fun filled day!
When I saw your first several photos I thought that you were living in a land of very small folks. Then when you talke about your height and weight I knew right away that you are just one big doggie for sure!
The photos of you by the great lake were really nice. I bet you like to run and play while you are there.
Hope we can become friends I would like to get to know you better.
Hi Remington,
Once again Mom said she was a day late and a dollar short....I said whatever...just tell Remington how glad we are his dr. visit went well
and how handsome he is. WE'll be back later today Sat. to see your b-day post...
Mom's dad went to the ER last night with chest pains but it appears it must have been very bad indigestion. They are going to pick him up at the hosptial today.
Meows and Hugs
Madi and Mom
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