I would like to introduce you to what we call the "ghost kitty". His name is Coleridge.

He is a 5 years old and the reason he is a ghost is because no one has seen him in the house except Mike, Beth, me and the kitties. He hides when people come and doesn't come out! Not even for potty! He waits until they leave or go to sleep! He is the nicest, most quiet little (?) boy. He is not little -- he weighs about 15 pounds and loves to talk to Mike and Beth.
Beth protects him more than the rest of us. If I want to play with him she says "Not with Ridge -- no way, no how." I think that she thinks he would not use his claws on me. He is just so nice. She tells the kitties that if I bug them too much they should nail me! NOT NICE! But I guess that is their only defense so I can't hold that against them.
He really stuck close to Keisha while she was sick. Dudley and him are usually best buddies but he must of known Keisha needed him.
I just wanted you to meet him.
Later -- Remington -- the little brother -- out!
Remington thank you for sharing such a sweet picture of Coleridge with us. What a handsome fellow he is and such a good and faithful friend to Keisha......
Mom and I have an award for you and Beth. Please drop by our blog sometime after 2:30 today.
Madi and Mom
Coleridge is indeed a handsome cat! To bad he is so shy though. He must have a good reason to be I suppose. Thanks for the introduction! Hugs and finger rubs!
Hi Remington,
Coleridge is such a cute kitty.
The two kitties I live with (Mouse and Jynx) both hide when people are over too.
Licks and slobbers,
TQ for intoducing Coleridge. I do miss my friend Reese and I hope she blogs soon
What a gorgeous picture of Coleridge. I have a Blog about my Therapy Dog Josie, it's Josie and the Pussycats, and the Pussycats will soon be making their debut on the blog. SQ told me about your blog and I'm so glad she did. Thanks SQ. I'm all signed up as a follower! If you get a chance, check out my blog when you can. My kitties come running and greet you at the door. No hiding for them. Too funny. One of them is like a butler!!! Much Love!
Hi remington
Coleridge looks so cute, that you would never think that she might claw you but you never know bout hose kitties. You are smart to listen to your mom and not bug the kitty. Have a great day today
Hi Remington
Very cool pictures from both of you :-)
Lovely blog you have !!!
Have a nice day ....
Hugs Kareltje =^.^=
I didn't know you had ANOTHER feline brother, Remington! Coleridge is really , really cute. Be nice to him ... he sounds sensitive.
Aaah Rem,
Sweet , sweet, sweet! We luv your story and we luv Ridge! You are smart to show respect for a kitty. They always win in the end no matter how big you are. We think your mommy should write a blog about "THE GHOST AND THE GENTILE GIANT". That's you.
Riley and Star.
I am amazed when cats and dogs can live in the same house. But then again, I'm amazed that Jack snores as loud as he does, so I guess I'm just amazed at lots of things! :)
Hi Remington, how lovely to meet Coleridge. He looks like a nice kitty cat.
Sounds like he is the kinda cat who is not keen on meeting new people.
Before us our mum had a kitty cat like that - as soon as visitors arrived the cat would head upstairs to be cosy on someone's bed!
Martha & Bailey xxx
2 of my kitty sisters are "ghost" kitties as well. The other 2 are always out doing stuff. Funny how they can be so different. But your kitty sure is cute.
What a tasty - I mean nice khytty
Even if I don't really see it -
Being a ghost and all!
Hey Rem,
I have kitties too! Just another thing we have in common. Delilah doesn't come out when strangers are around and Summer chases anything that moves (including me and Grady) Hannah is old and sleeps all the time and Chase is just a huggable bunch of fur.
Nice to meet the rest of the family.
Take Care
Ridge the XXXL ghost. Hey, Remington, our M just bought our katz emery scratch boards (she saw them on tv). If they work, you should get some too. One time our Ghost shredded my Linguini's face. Be careful, my furiend.
Coleridge is such a beautiful kitty, thank you Remington for introducing him to us. Miss Cindi Lou Who is sort of a ghost kitty too. She is very shy around people she doesn't know. Coleridge sounds like a very sweet and sensitive kitty, be a good brother and take care of him.
Hugs & Purrs,
Judy and Cindi Lou
Coleridge is as big as us.....we weigh 14 pounds each. Nice to see you have kitties in the house!
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