I got the biggest shock EVER! My sister, Miss Anna, emailed me and sent a bunch of pictures! It was so nice. She has grown and we look alike! She is a busy gal too. I remember when we were little and I would tease her. She was the cutest little gal. I thought about the party we had the night before I left for Minnesota and how much fun we had dancing around and singing. I thought about the morning I left and how sad it was saying goodbye to my brothers and sisters. The tears and all the hugs. It seems so long ago....
I sat down after I got the email and saw the pictures....I started to think about mom and dad and wondered how they are getting along. We don't stay in touch like we should. I wondered about my other sister and brothers and what they are doing for the holidays. AND I wondered about Mary and David, the people who helped mom and dad with us kids when we were little. I wonder if they remember me?
Time goes by so fast and we tend to lose contact with those that are dear to us. It would be nice for all of us to get together for the holidays but we are so many miles apart.... I hope they all know that I think of each and every one of them often and they are held very close and dear to my heart.
Reminiscing Remington....out.
Oh, that is so nice. I actually got to meet my brother and sister. They come to the puppy park where I play sometimes. Unfortunately, they are well-behaved, so I had to keep them away from the tall guy.
I think it would be cool to see a big bunch of your family in a picture! It sure would have to be a BIG picture! (CINEMASCOPE!!)
Hi Remington....all a parent (dog or human) wants is for the babies to be happy and healthy and live with someone who loves them...YOU HAVE scored a big 200% on all of that. I'm like TG it would be amazing to see a picture of your entire litter together.
Hugs Madi and Mom
Unfortunately, Zack and Buddy were pound puppers and we don't know their litter mates...But Sassy stays in touch w/ a couple of her sisters and her furry mom.
She's very lucky. Because I am an only child and don't have any siblings...I do enjoy spending time w/ Sassy's furry, Labr-adorable family.
Hugs and Rubs big beautiful Remington,
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