Beth said today is crunch time. I think it means eating something crispy, but I don't know for sure. Mike took today off from work and Beth said she has her list and we are going to hit the road....I heard the van starting. So I take it we are going shopping! I hope they are bringing something to "crunch" on....I don't remember Beth baking anything.
I have a few things left to get anyway, so this is good. I whispered to Dudley this morning what I wanted from Santa. He can REALLY keep a secret! I sure hope I get it....

So as Willie says....on the road again....
Remington -- I do believe I am a shopaholic...I hope they have a support group for that -- that will be paper, please!
Remington you are a very brave dog to go shopping this time of year. HA!! One thing for sure if Mike and Beth put any packages in the van no one would dare steal them with you on guard.
Have a great day big boy and we hope you get something to crunch on!!
Madi and Mom
I hope you get everything you want from Santa - but you might want to tell Beth in case Santa forgets. He is an old man you know! :)
Cats can't keep secrets!
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